
Minty Mojito

Sweetened with Intensweet®

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 0 minutes

Difficulty: 2/10

Serves: 1

So refreshing and minty


  1. Mix the lime juice and Intensweet® in a tall glasses, add the lime wedges and mint leaves and stir gently.
  2. Half fill the glasses with crushed ice cubes then pour in white rum and top up with sparkling water and garnish with more mint leaves and lime wedges
Tip: Double the recipe and make in a larger jug or pitcher


  • Juice of 1 lime plus 1 lime, cut into wedges
  • 2 microspoons / 1 sachet of Intensweet®
  • Large handful of mint sprigs
  • About 90ml of white rum
  • Dash of sparkling water or soda water for topping

Featured Product

Intensweet® Powder

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